Women Also Know Stuff
Global database of experts in Political Science. Search by country, research interest or university, and more.
Region: Global
Industry: Political Science
Website: https://womenalsoknowstuff.com/
500 Women Scientists
A resource for journalists, educators, policy makers and others seeking the expertise of women and gender diverse STEMM professionals.
Region: Global
Industry: General Science
Website: https://500womenscientists.org
Women Also Know History (inspired by Women Also Know Stuff)
An easily searchable database providing the credentials and areas of expertise for thousands of female historians.
Region: Global
Industry: History
Website: https://womenalsoknowhistory.com/search/
Women in Chemistry / IOpenShell
Several hundred women scientists in theoretical/computational chemistry, material science, and biochemistry.
Region: Global
Industry: Chemistry
Website: http://iopenshell.usc.edu/wtc/directory.html
Women in Machine Learning
Directory of several hundred women in machine learning.
Region: Global
Industry: Machine Learning
Website: https://wimlworkshop.org/sh_projects/directory/
Exhaustive list of women in neuroscience, broken down by areas of focus.
Region: Global
Industry: Neuroscience
Website: https://anneslist.net/
Global database of several hundred women leaders and scientists in academia, searchable by field.
Region: Global
Industry: General Science
Website: http://www.academia-net.org/
Diversify EEB
Thorough and searchable compilation of over 1,500 diverse and female ecologist and evolutionary biologists.
Region: Global
Industry: Ecologists / Evolutionary Biologists
Website: https://diversifyeeb.com/entries/
Diverse Sources
Searchable database of hundreds of underrepresented experts in science, health and the environment, ready to be interviewed.
Region: Global
Industry: Science, Health and Environment
Website: https://diversesources.org/
Diversify Chemistry
Curated, searchable list of nearly 400 diverse academic chemists, searchable by gender. Lists separated by grad/post-docs, academic and industrial entries.
Region: Global
Industry: Chemistry
Website: https://diversifychemistry.com
Free professional service that connects journalists on deadlines to experts in all scientific fields.
Region: Global
Industry: General Science
Website: https://www.sciline.org/i-need-an-expert
Women in Microbiology
Curated Google doc, listing hundreds of women experts in Microbiology around the world.
Region: Global
Industry: Microbiology
Website: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xw6W2noEUrpc5AFbLgkBGwR1KHIBnay2M9tT_bHaxqk/edit#gid=1169038979
Women in Soil Science
Searchable database that connects journalists to members of the Soil Science Society of America
Region: Global
Industry: Soil Science
Website: https://www.soils.org/expertise
Women 4 Oceans
Exhaustive database of women working across the world to save our oceans. Includes interactive world map.
Region: Global
Industry: Ocean Science
Website: https://www.women4oceans.org/directory.html
List of women in Computer Science
Concise list of women both known and unknown, in the world of computer science.
Region: Global
Industry: Computer Science
Website: https://geekfeminism.wikia.org/wiki/List_of_women_in_Computer_Science
Women in Probability
Global list of a few hundred women in probability-related research, grouped by geography
Region: Global
Industry: Probability
Website: http://womeninprobability.org/People.html
Comprehensive global database of women sources on peace and security, by local geography.
Region: Global
Industry: Conflict, Peace, and Security
Website: https://interview-her.com/
TITWomen Waging Peace NetworkLE
1,000 female negotiators, experts, advocates, policymakers from around the world, searchable by region and country.
Region: Global
Industry: Peace Negotiations
Website: https://www.sandiego.edu/peace/institute-for-peace-justice/initiatives/women-peace-security/women-waging-peace/
Foreign Policy Interrupted
Directory of foreign policy experts, searchable by topic or country of expertise, highlighting 'in the news' topic experts.
Region: Global
Industry: Foreign Policy
Website: https://interruptrr.com/expert-lists/
Wikipedian: Women computer scientists by nationality
Wikipedia page highlighting female computer scientists by nationality.
Region: Wikipedia (can search for women experts in...)
Industry: Computer Science
Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Women_computer_scientists_by_nationality
North America
Informed Opinions Expert Network
Searchable database providing detailed profiles on hundreds of female experts across disciplines.
Region: North America/Canada
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://informedopinions.org/find-experts/
Newsletter: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/P5ZOlxp
She Source Expert Database
Professional database allowing users to search through thousands of female sources across a wide range of expertise.
Region: US / Global
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://womensmediacenter.com/shesource/
Newsletter: https://act.shesource.org/a/journalist-sign-up
Women and Color
Easily searchable database for women of color across the tech industry.
Region: North America
Industry: Technology / Women in business
Website: https://www.womenandcolor.com/
Highly curated database of diverse sources from many fields.
Region: US / Global
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://training.npr.org/sources/
Women, Nonbinary, and POC Media Experts
Well-organized Google document containing over 100 women, non-binary, and people of color who are experts in the media industry.
Region: US / Global
Industry: Media
Website: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15rUHHE7aCH8eCrfWewSyfrWpJkT1nTqRA2_NkrMINs0/edit#gid=16835773
Women & Non-Binary People of Colour in Sports Media
Google Document providing contact information for dozens of women and non-binary people who are experts in the field of sports media.Region: US
Industry: Media / Sports
Website: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14-B8pM3ydFVQauv-hyLprMP-PYyEyYNwGmNUecYsE_I/edit
Women in Number Theory
Female number theorists, listed by research speciality and region.
Region: US
Industry: Number Theory
Website: https://womeninnumbertheory.org/directories-women-in-number-theory/
Women Plus Source list
Highly navigatable collection of experts from diverse fields, searchable by availability and location.
Region: US
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://womenplus.sourcelist.org/experts.html
African Women Experts
Database of women experts in Africa, searchable by region and expertise.
Region: Africa
Industry: General / Africa
Website: http://africawomenexperts.com/lng/en/
According to Her - Gender & Media Connect
Comprehensive database of women experts in Africa, broken out by field and expertise.
Region: Africa/Zimbabwe
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://gmc.org.zw/index.php/according-to-her-2/
SayNoToManels List Kenya
Google doc with over 200 women experts from many fields in Kenya ready and willing to participate in panels.
Region: Kenya
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cx4wn7k63UFPd5ildlxEqMjgKeb3UPZHnHU3KDftWWc/edit?ts=580cdb0d#gid=1330537749
Women in Tech Africa
Searchable list of several hundred women working in technology across Africa.
Region: Africa
Industry: Technology
Website: http://www.womenintechafrica.com/amazing-women-in-tech/
Quote This Woman
Highly professional, searchable database of women experts in many fields, in South Africa.
Region: South Africa/Regional
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://quotethiswoman.org.za
Internews Tanzania
Database with over 200 women experts in various industries and fields.
Region: Tanzania
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aM1SauKdVk-4C1SIKxyoNgEwcOLGgTFJ/view
UNESCO Women Make the News - Thailand
Searchable database provides contacts for female experts across disciplines, throughout Thailand.
Region: Thailand
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://wmnthailand.org/
Gender in Myanmar News
Concise, searchable list of women experts across many fields of expertise in Myanmar.
Region: Myanmar
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://genderinmyanmarnews.org/en/female-expert
Powerful Philippine Women
Professional profiles on 25 powerful Filipina women ready to be highlighted by the media.
Region: Philippines
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://ph.asiatatler.com/society/power-women
Searchable database of nearly 600 women experts in China.
Region: China
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://nuvoices.com/experts-directory/ / https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13l9IH7kWahhXwWFsMtBdrMs11gWYGOKqNI6rfUM84k4/edit#gid=0
Female Experts on Japan and the Koreas
Google Document with more than 200 female experts on Japan and the Koreas.
Region: Japan and the Koreas
Industry: Political Science
Website: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U6lKl3YOqPTeASp0VX__AhJUsbdBiQl8GUVDKjrCkt8/edit#gid=0
Middle East
The Expert Woman List
Professional, easy to use database allowing users to search female experts across fields.
Region: MENA/UAE
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: http://wil.insightsme.net/the-expert-woman-list/
Who is She - Lebanon
Searchable database that combines profiles of prominent Lebanese women experts.
Region: Lebanon
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://whoisshe.lau.edu.lb
Who is She - Egypt
Searchable database profiling Egyptian women experts across industries.
Region: Egypt
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: http://whoisshe.wmf.org.eg/
Latin America
Mulheres Tambem Sabem
Database of women working in the social and applied sciences across Latin America and the world, in Portuguese.
Region: Latin America and Global
Industry: Sciences
Website: https://www.mulherestambemsabem.com/especialistas-por-reas
Feminist Scientists
List of female scientists in Brazil. In Portuguese.
Region: Brazil
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://cientistasfeministas.wordpress.com/as-minas/
Hay Mujeres
Open an account to search the directory of female experts across Latin America. In Spanish.
Region: Latin America
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://www.haymujeres.cl/login/
Constantes y Vitales - Database of female scientists
Searchable database of female scientific experts in Latin America and around the world. In Spanish.
Region: Latin America / Global
Industry: Natural and Applied Sciences
Website: https://www.lasexta.com/constantes-vitales/mujeres-cientificas/buscador/
Agenda de Expertes
Open an account to search for female experts across many industries. Filter by geography and specialization. In Catalan.
Region: Catalonia, Europe
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://agendadexpertes.es/
Cercador d'Expertes
Searchable database of female experts across Spain for a wide variety of industries, in Spanish.
Region: Spain
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://expertes.dones.gencat.cat/cercador/
Directory of female, transgender and other diverse experts, across disciplines. In Dutch.
Region: Europe / Global
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://www.expertendatabank.be/nl
Searchable database of female experts across the Balkans for a wide variety of industries.
Region: Balkans
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://balkansmedia.org/bs/form/fembase
More than 2000 experts from various Science & Technology fields are registered in the FEMtech female expert database.
Region: Austria
Industry: Science & Technology
Website: https://www.femtech.at/en/experts/expert-database
KVINFO Ekspert Databasen
Searchable expert database of women by industry. In Danish.
Region: Denmark
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: http://www.kvinfo.dk/side/383/
Speakerinnen Liste
Highly professional, searchable list of over 2,500 women ready to be speakers and moderators at conferences.
Region: Germany / Europe
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://speakerinnen.org/
The Brussels Binder
Easily searchable database of female experts covering European policy, ready to engage with media and on panels.
Region: Europe
Industry: Policy Making
Website: https://brusselsbinder.org/find-an-expert/
Diverse directory of female experts across many disciplines. In Dutch.
Region: Europe / Global
Industry: Assorted Industries
Website: https://www.vidm.nl/index.php
Women also know Balkans
Inquire with this Twitter community to find women experts in and concerning the Balkans.
Region: Balkans
Website: https://twitter.com/hashtag/WomenAlsoKnowBalkans?src=hash